Big Brain... Big Thoughts?
In the field of tool use and animal reasoning, researchers tend to focus on primates or, in recent years, avian species'. However, what about the rest of the animal kingdom? We all have heard that an elephant never forgets, but could this actually be a disadvantage? Moti Nissani (2006), in association with Wayne State University, conducted two experiments with asian elephants to test their causal reasoning skill; that is, the ability to determine a causal relationship. To test this, in both experiments elephants were pertained to retrieve food from a bucket. They were then presented with a bucket that had a lid, from which they were supposed to remove the lid, then retrieve the food. The second experiment also had some elephants retrieving food from a depression in the ground covered by a box rather than food from inside a lidded bucket. This is where the two experiments differ. In both cases, the lid or box was set to the side of the bucket or depression respectively. If causa...